; okay folks, let's do the mouse stuff!
;	...with a 15 colour mouse pointer

setpointer	add.w	#128,d0		; d0 holds hstart (not 64 as in hw ref)
		add.w	#44,d1		; d1 holds vstart
		move.w	d1,d2
		add.w	#25,d2		; d2 holds vstop
		move.b	d1,ptrspr1
		move.b	d1,ptrspr0
		move.w	d0,d3
		lsr.w	#1,d3
		move.b	d3,ptrspr1+1
		move.b	d3,ptrspr0+1
		move.b	d2,ptrspr1+2
		move.b	d2,ptrspr0+2
		move.b	#$80,ptrspr1+3
		move.b	#$00,ptrspr0+3
		and.w	#$0100,d1
		lsr.w	#6,d1
		or.b	d1,ptrspr1+3
		or.b	d1,ptrspr0+3
		and.w	#$0100,d2
		lsr.w	#7,d2
		or.b	d2,ptrspr1+3
		or.b	d2,ptrspr0+3
		and.b	#$01,d0
		or.b	d0,ptrspr1+3
		or.b	d0,ptrspr0+3

ptrspr1		dc.w	0,0		; spr1pos,spr1ctl
		dc.w	$f0f0,$ff00
		dc.w	$e1e0,$fe00
		dc.w	$c3c0,$fc00
		dc.w	$8780,$f800
		dc.w	$0f00,$f000
		dc.w	$1e00,$e000
		dc.w	$3c00,$c000
		dc.w	$7800,$8000
		dc.w	$f000,$0000
		dc.w	$e000,$0000
		dc.w	$c000,$0000
		dc.w	$800e,$0000
		dc.w	$080e,$0800
		dc.w	$1cc0,$1c00
		dc.w	$18c0,$1800
		dc.w	$19c0,$1c00
		dc.w	$0080,$0f00
		dc.w	$0006,$0706
		dc.w	$0006,$0006
		dc.w	$0080,$0080
		dc.w	$19c0,$01c0
		dc.w	$18c0,$00c0
		dc.w	$1cc0,$01c0
		dc.w	$080f,$0780
		dc.w	$000f,$0700
		dc.w	0,0

ptrspr0		dc.w	0,0		; spr0pos,spr0ctl
		dc.w	$aaab,$cccc
		dc.w	$5556,$9998
		dc.w	$aaac,$3330
		dc.w	$5558,$6660
		dc.w	$aab0,$ccc0
		dc.w	$5560,$9980
		dc.w	$aac0,$3300
		dc.w	$5580,$6600
		dc.w	$ab00,$cc00
		dc.w	$5600,$9800
		dc.w	$ac00,$3000
		dc.w	$5e0e,$6100
		dc.w	$be80,$c980
		dc.w	$6506,$9d06
		dc.w	$d8c0,$0006
		dc.w	$8506,$05c0
		dc.w	$0a86,$0c80
		dc.w	$0206,$0406
		dc.w	$0306,$0406
		dc.w	$0b86,$0c80
		dc.w	$0506,$05c0
		dc.w	$18c0,$0006
		dc.w	$0506,$1d06
		dc.w	$0a80,$0980
		dc.w	$020f,$0100
		dc.w	0,0

nullsprite	dc.l	0			; used to 'kill' sprites when
						; not needed (2-7 all the time,
						; 0&1 when loading)