*									*
*	The 81st Track MusicDisk 1 Loader	by The 81st Track	*
*									*

		incdir		"asrc:include/"

		include		"libraries/dos_lib.i"
		include		"exec/exec_lib.i"
		include		"hardware/custom.i"
		include		"hardware/blit.i"
		include		"81/my_macros.i"

		org	$10000

a1save		equ	$7f400
Hardware	equ	$dff000
PortA		equ	$bfe001
LeftMouse	equ	6


MainCode	move.l	#Hardware,a6
		move.l	#0,d0			; read first tune before
		jsr	ReadTune		; the main section runs
		bsr	SetupAll
MainCodeLoop	bsr	WaitForFrame		; the main loop
		bsr	dopointer		; the mouse pointer...
		bsr	cycleptrcolors		; ...colour cycles
		bsr	DoScroll		; the scroll text
		jsr	mt_music		; the music
		bsr	dovubars		; the copper bar!
		btst	#LeftMouse,PortA
		bne.s	MainCodeLoop
		move.l	#loadbuttons,a0		; check for click on 'button'
		move.l	#5,d7			; 6 buttons
		move.l	#0,d0			; first=0 (for ReadTune)
buttoncheckloop	move.w	(a0)+,d1		; read button corner co-ords
		move.w	(a0)+,d2
		move.w	(a0)+,d3
		move.w	(a0)+,d4
		move.w	pointerposx,d5		; check for click within area
		move.w	pointerposy,d6
		cmp.w	d5,d1			; too far left?
		bcc.s	checknext
		cmp.w	d6,d2			; too far up?
		bcc.s	checknext
		cmp.w	d3,d5			; too far right?
		bcc.s	checknext
		cmp.w	d4,d6			; too far down?
		bcc.s	checknext
		jsr	ReadTune		; okay then, get the tune!
		bra.s	MainCodeLoop
checknext	add.l	#1,d0			; check next 'button' area
		dbf	d7,buttoncheckloop
		move.w	#0,potgo(a6)		; me want RMB input!
		btst	#10,potinp(a6)
		beq	LoadXtraBit		; if pressed, load extra bit
		bra	MainCodeLoop

LoadXtraBit	jsr	mt_end			; first stop music
		move.l	#LoadCopper,cop1lc(a6)	; set 'load' copper list
		move.l	a1save,a1		; load it
		move.l	#$20000,40(a1)
		move.l	#$8fa00,44(a1)
		move.l	#$3fe00,36(a1)
		move.l	_SysBase,a6
		jsr	_LVODoIO(a6)
		jmp	$20000			; I know this only loads,
						; but I'm not going to put
						; in a 'loading only' bitmap
						; just to please purists!


SetupAll	move.l	#NewCopper,cop1lc(a6)	; setup main copper list
		move.w	#0,copjmp1(a6)
		move.w	#0,joytest(a6)		; zero mouse counters
		move.l	#screencolors,a0	; set them colour registers!
		lea	color(a6),a1
		move.l	#31,d0
SetupAllLoop	move.w	(a0)+,(a1)+
		dbf	d0,SetupAllLoop
		move.l	#0,pointerposx		; set pointer pos to 0,0
		move.w	#0,d0			; set pointer sprite
		move.w	#0,d1
		jsr	setpointer
		move.w	#$83e0,dmacon(a6)	; enable DMA
		bsr	WaitForBlit		; wait for any blits to finish

WaitForVBlank	btst	#5,intreqr+1(a6)	; wait for VBlank Int Req
		beq.s	WaitForVBlank
		move.w	#$20,intreq(a6)

KillSprDatBuff	moveq.l	#0,d0			; Kill Sprite DMA Data Buffer
		move.l	d0,$144(a6)		; for all sprites!
		move.l	d0,$14c(a6)
		move.l	d0,$154(a6)
		move.l	d0,$15c(a6)
		move.l	d0,$164(a6)
		move.l	d0,$16c(a6)
		move.l	d0,$174(a6)
		move.l	d0,$17c(a6)

WaitForFrame	btst	#4,intreqr+1(a6)	; Wait for Copper Int Req
		beq.s	WaitForFrame
		move.w	#$10,intreq(a6)

WaitForBlit	btst	#14,dmaconr(a6)		; Wait for Blit finished flag
WFBLoop		btst	#14,dmaconr(a6)
		bne.s	WFBLoop


dopointer	move.w	joy0dat(a6),d0		; get current counter values
		and.w	#$fcfc,d0		; mask certain bits
		move.w	#0,joytest(a6)		; zero counters
		cmp.b	#$80,d0			; check x direction
		bcc.s	ptrleft
		move.b	d0,d1			; amend pointer x pos (+)
		and.w	#$ff,d1
		lsr.w	#2,d1
		add.w	d1,pointerposx
		bra.s	dopointery
ptrleft		move.b	d0,d1			; amend pointer x pos (-)
		and.w	#$ff,d1
		not.b	d1
		add.w	#1,d1
		lsr.w	#2,d1
		sub.w	d1,pointerposx
dopointery	move.w	d0,d1
		lsr.w	#8,d1
		cmp.b	#$80,d1			; check y direction
		bcc.s	ptrup
		and.w	#$ff,d1			; amend pointer y pos (+)
		lsr.w	#2,d1
		add.w	d1,pointerposy
		bra.s	checkpointerpos
ptrup		and.w	#$ff,d1			; amend pointer y pos (-)
		not.b	d1
		add.w	#1,d1
		lsr.w	#2,d1
		sub.w	d1,pointerposy
checkpointerpos	move.w	pointerposx,d0		; check if pointer on screen
		bmi.s	poswrapleft		; check for moving off to left
		cmp.w	#320,d0
		bcc.s	poswrapright		; ...and right
chkptrposy	move.w	pointerposy,d0
		bmi.s	poswrapup		; ...and top
		cmp.w	#256,d0
		bcc.s	poswrapdown		; ...and bottom
pointerposokay	move.w	pointerposx,d0
		move.w	pointerposy,d1
		jsr	setpointer
poswrapleft	move.w	#0,pointerposx		; if off to left, xpos=0
		bra.s	chkptrposy
poswrapright	move.w	#319,pointerposx	; if off to right, xpos=319
		bra.s	chkptrposy
poswrapup	move.w	#0,pointerposy		; if off to top, ypos=0
		bra.s	pointerposokay
poswrapdown	move.w	#255,pointerposy	; if off to bottom, ypos=255
		bra.s	pointerposokay

cycleptrcolors	move.l	#pointercolors+30,a0	; make the pointer look less
		move.l	#pointercolors+32,a1	; boring by doing a simple
		move.w	(a0),d1			; colour cycle on colour
		move.l	#13,d0			; registers 17-31
cpcloop1	move.w	-(a0),-(a1)
		dbf	d0,cpcloop1
		move.w	d1,(a0)
		lea	color+34(a6),a1
		move.l	#14,d0
cpcloop2	move.w	(a0)+,(a1)+
		dbf	d0,cpcloop2

						; This next section produces
						; a 'quad' copper bar - a bar
						; split into four pieces
						; along its length

dovubars	move.l	#trigvoice1,a0		; my tracker add-on data
		move.l	#vucolorbits,a1		; colours for bar
		move.l	#vuvalues,a2		; value of vu
		move.w	#0,d1			; first part first!
		move.l	#3,d0			; four parts (of copper bar)
dovubarsloop	tst.w	(a0)			; if no new note, fade bar
		beq.s	fadevubar
		move.w	#0,(a0)			; else, zero new note data
		move.w	#16,(a2)		; set value to max
fadevubar	tst.w	(a2)			; if vu at zero, don't fade
		beq.s	nofadevubar
		sub.w	#1,(a2)			; else, decrease value by 1
		move.w	(a2),d2			; create bar from vu value
		move.l	#vubuffer+32,a3		; start in middle of buffer
		move.l	a3,a4
		move.l	#15,d3			; upto 16 lines (each side)
fadevubarloop	move.w	d2,d4			; make screen colour
		mulu	(a1),d4
		move.w	d4,-(a3)		; put it into buffer
		move.w	d4,(a4)+
		sub.w	#1,d2			; next colour (colour-1)
		bcc.s	fadeokay		; if NextColour<0, colour=0
		move.w	#0,d2
fadeokay	dbf	d3,fadevubarloop	; next line
		move.l	#vubuffer,a3		; dump vu bar in copper list
		move.l	#vubars+6,a4
		move.w	d1,d2
		mulu	#8,d2
		add.l	d2,a4
		move.l	#31,d2			; 32 entries
dumpbarloop	move.w	(a3)+,(a4)		; buffer -> copper list
		add.l	#32,a4
		dbf	d2,dumpbarloop		; next entry
nofadevubar	add.w	#1,d1			; next vu bar
		add.l	#2,a0			; next 'new note data'
		add.l	#2,a1			; next vu bar colour
		add.l	#2,a2			; next vu value
		dbf	d0,dovubarsloop		; next vu bar

						; this is a simple scroll
						; routine - 8x8 chars, single
						; speed - except double height

DoScroll	bsr	WaitForBlit		; wait for blitter
		move.l	#-1,bltafwm(a6)		; then move it:	no mask
		move.l	#$f9f00000,bltcon0(a6)	;		shift 15 right
		move.w	#0,bltamod(a6)
		move.w	#0,bltdmod(a6)
		move.l	#scrollarea+2,bltapt(a6)
		move.l	#scrollarea,bltdpt(a6)	;		dest 1 word left
		move.w	#$0455,bltsize(a6)
		bsr	WaitForBlit		; wait for blit to finish
		sub.b	#1,scrollpixel		; 1 less blit to next char
		tst.b	scrollpixel		; if no more,
		beq.s	scrollnewchar		;   get new character
scrollnewchar	add.l	#1,scrollptr		; next character in message
		move.l	scrollptr,a0		; get message pointer
		tst.b	(a0)			; if char=0(NUL), restart
		beq.s	scrollrestart
		cmp.b	#32,(a0)		; if char<32, skip char
		bcs.s	scrollnewchar
		move.l	#0,d0			; get char (into long)
		move.b	(a0),d0
		sub.b	#32,d0			; get address of char def
		mulu	#8,d0
		add.l	#scrollfont,d0
		move.l	d0,a0
		move.l	#scrollarea+82,a1	; get address of bitmap
		move.l	#7,d0			; 8 lines
scrollputchloop	move.b	(a0),(a1)		; copy it!
		move.b	(a0)+,42(a1)
		add.l	#84,a1			; next bitmap line
		dbf	d0,scrollputchloop
		move.b	#8,scrollpixel		; 8 blits until next char
scrollrestart	move.l	#scrollmessage,scrollptr	; pretty obvious!
		bra.s	scrollnewchar

						; This section reads a tune
						; when given a number from
						; 0 to 5. It 'knows' where
						; the tunes are on disk by
						; looking in a table

ReadTune	jsr	mt_end			; first, stop current tune
		move.l	#LoadCopper,cop1lc(a6)	; set 'load&decrunch' display
		move.l	a1save,a1		; get trackdisk IO req
		move.l	#TuneParamTable,a0	; get tune offset&length
		and.l	#$f,d0
		asl.l	#3,d0
		add.l	d0,a0
		move.l	#$52000,40(a1)		; crunched version at $52000
		move.l	(a0)+,44(a1)
		move.l	(a0)+,36(a1)
		move.l	_SysBase,a6
		jsr	_LVODoIO(a6)		; read it!
		move.l	#Hardware,a6
		jsr	$52000			; decrunches to $20000
		move.l	#NewCopper,cop1lc(a6)	; set 'menu' display
		jsr	mt_init			; setup new tune



; Here follows the copper list used when a tune is loading - the sprites are
; not used, so all pointers are directed to the 'nullsprite' longword.

LoadCopper	cmove	$0200,bplcon0
		cmove	$0000,bplcon1
		cmove	$2c81,diwstrt
		cmove	$2cc1,diwstop
		cmove	$0038,ddfstrt
		cmove	$00d0,ddfstop
		cmove	$0000,bpl1mod
		cmove	$0000,bpl2mod
		cmove	((nullsprite&$ffff0000)>>16),sprpt
		cmove	(nullsprite&$ffff),sprpt+$02
		cmove	((nullsprite&$ffff0000)>>16),sprpt+$04
		cmove	(nullsprite&$ffff),sprpt+$06
		cmove	((nullsprite&$ffff0000)>>16),sprpt+$08
		cmove	(nullsprite&$ffff),sprpt+$0a
		cmove	((nullsprite&$ffff0000)>>16),sprpt+$0c
		cmove	(nullsprite&$ffff),sprpt+$0e
		cmove	((nullsprite&$ffff0000)>>16),sprpt+$10
		cmove	(nullsprite&$ffff),sprpt+$12
		cmove	((nullsprite&$ffff0000)>>16),sprpt+$14
		cmove	(nullsprite&$ffff),sprpt+$16
		cmove	((nullsprite&$ffff0000)>>16),sprpt+$18
		cmove	(nullsprite&$ffff),sprpt+$1a
		cmove	((nullsprite&$ffff0000)>>16),sprpt+$1c
		cmove	(nullsprite&$ffff),sprpt+$1e
		cmove	$0000,color
		cmove	$0f00,color+$02
		cwait	$71,$09
		cmove	$1200,bplcon0
		cmove	((loadingbitmap&$ffff0000)>>16),bplpt
		cmove	(loadingbitmap&$ffff),bplpt+$02
		cwait	$e7,$09
		cmove	$0200,bplcon0
		dc.w	$ff09,$fffe,$ffdd,$fffe

; This is the main copper list for the menu display, and includes the 'mouse
; pointer' sprite pointer setting, and the vu copper bar!

NewCopper	cmove	$1200,bplcon0		; some general screen stuff
		cmove	$0000,bplcon1
		cmove	$2c81,diwstrt
		cmove	$2cc1,diwstop
		cmove	$0038,ddfstrt
		cmove	$00d0,ddfstop
		cmove	$0000,bpl2mod

	; how to set up a mouse pointer!

		cmove	((ptrspr0&$ffff0000)>.>.16),sprpt
		cmove	(ptrspr0&$ffff),sprpt+$02
		cmove	((ptrspr1&$ffff0000)>.>.16),sprpt+$04
		cmove	(ptrspr1&$ffff),sprpt+$06
		cmove	((nullsprite&$ffff0000)>.>.16),sprpt+$08
		cmove	(nullsprite&$ffff),sprpt+$0a
		cmove	((nullsprite&$ffff0000)>.>.16),sprpt+$0c
		cmove	(nullsprite&$ffff),sprpt+$0e
		cmove	((nullsprite&$ffff0000)>.>.16),sprpt+$10
		cmove	(nullsprite&$ffff),sprpt+$12
		cmove	((nullsprite&$ffff0000)>.>.16),sprpt+$14
		cmove	(nullsprite&$ffff),sprpt+$16
		cmove	((nullsprite&$ffff0000)>.>.16),sprpt+$18
		cmove	(nullsprite&$ffff),sprpt+$1a
		cmove	((nullsprite&$ffff0000)>.>.16),sprpt+$1c
		cmove	(nullsprite&$ffff),sprpt+$1e

	; more general screen stuff

		cmove	((scrollarea&$ffff0000)>.>.16),bplpt
		cmove	(scrollarea&$ffff),bplpt+$02
		cmove	$0000,color+$02
		cmove	$0002,bpl1mod
		cwait	$2d,$09
		cmove	$0fff,color+$02
		cwait	$3d,$09
		cmove	$0000,color+$02
		cwait	$3e,$09
		cmove	$4200,bplcon0
		cmove	$0fff,color+$02
		cmove	((screenplane1&$ffff0000)>.>.16),bplpt
		cmove	(screenplane1&$ffff),bplpt+$02
		cmove	((screenplane2&$ffff0000)>.>.16),bplpt+$04
		cmove	(screenplane2&$ffff),bplpt+$06
		cmove	((screenplane3&$ffff0000)>.>.16),bplpt+$08
		cmove	(screenplane3&$ffff),bplpt+$0a
		cmove	((screenplane4&$ffff0000)>.>.16),bplpt+$0c
		cmove	(screenplane4&$ffff),bplpt+$0e
		cmove	$0000,bpl1mod

	;		*** THE VU COPPER BAR ***
	;	ATTENTION! ATTENTION!   Clear the area!
	;	Bloody big copper list section approaching!

vubars		dc.w	$9c09,$fffe,$180,$000,$9c65,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$9c8f,$fffe,$180,$000,$9cb9,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$9d09,$fffe,$180,$000,$9d65,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$9d8f,$fffe,$180,$000,$9db9,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$9e09,$fffe,$180,$000,$9e65,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$9e8f,$fffe,$180,$000,$9eb9,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$9f09,$fffe,$180,$000,$9f65,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$9f8f,$fffe,$180,$000,$9fb9,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$a009,$fffe,$180,$000,$a065,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$a08f,$fffe,$180,$000,$a0b9,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$a109,$fffe,$180,$000,$a165,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$a18f,$fffe,$180,$000,$a1b9,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$a209,$fffe,$180,$000,$a265,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$a28f,$fffe,$180,$000,$a2b9,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$a309,$fffe,$180,$000,$a365,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$a38f,$fffe,$180,$000,$a3b9,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$a409,$fffe,$180,$000,$a465,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$a48f,$fffe,$180,$000,$a4b9,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$a509,$fffe,$180,$000,$a565,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$a58f,$fffe,$180,$000,$a5b9,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$a609,$fffe,$180,$000,$a665,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$a68f,$fffe,$180,$000,$a6b9,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$a709,$fffe,$180,$000,$a765,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$a78f,$fffe,$180,$000,$a7b9,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$a809,$fffe,$180,$000,$a865,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$a88f,$fffe,$180,$000,$a8b9,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$a909,$fffe,$180,$000,$a965,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$a98f,$fffe,$180,$000,$a9b9,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$aa09,$fffe,$180,$000,$aa65,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$aa8f,$fffe,$180,$000,$aab9,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$ab09,$fffe,$180,$000,$ab65,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$ab8f,$fffe,$180,$000,$abb9,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$ac09,$fffe,$180,$000,$ac65,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$ac8f,$fffe,$180,$000,$acb9,$fffe,$180,$000
	; still reading??
		dc.w	$ad09,$fffe,$180,$000,$ad65,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$ad8f,$fffe,$180,$000,$adb9,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$ae09,$fffe,$180,$000,$ae65,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$ae8f,$fffe,$180,$000,$aeb9,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$af09,$fffe,$180,$000,$af65,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$af8f,$fffe,$180,$000,$afb9,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$b009,$fffe,$180,$000,$b065,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$b08f,$fffe,$180,$000,$b0b9,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$b109,$fffe,$180,$000,$b165,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$b18f,$fffe,$180,$000,$b1b9,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$b209,$fffe,$180,$000,$b265,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$b28f,$fffe,$180,$000,$b2b9,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$b309,$fffe,$180,$000,$b365,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$b38f,$fffe,$180,$000,$b3b9,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$b409,$fffe,$180,$000,$b465,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$b48f,$fffe,$180,$000,$b4b9,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$b509,$fffe,$180,$000,$b565,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$b58f,$fffe,$180,$000,$b5b9,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$b609,$fffe,$180,$000,$b665,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$b68f,$fffe,$180,$000,$b6b9,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$b709,$fffe,$180,$000,$b765,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$b78f,$fffe,$180,$000,$b7b9,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$b809,$fffe,$180,$000,$b865,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$b88f,$fffe,$180,$000,$b8b9,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$b909,$fffe,$180,$000,$b965,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$b98f,$fffe,$180,$000,$b9b9,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$ba09,$fffe,$180,$000,$ba65,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$ba8f,$fffe,$180,$000,$bab9,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$bb09,$fffe,$180,$000,$bb65,$fffe,$180,$000
		dc.w	$bb8f,$fffe,$180,$000,$bbb9,$fffe,$180,$000

	; the last of the general screen stuff

		cwait	$bc,$09
		cmove	$0000,color
		dc.w	$ff09,$fffe,$ffdd,$fffe
		cwait	$19,$09
		cmove	$0000,color+$02
		cwait	$1a,$09
		cmove	$1200,bplcon0
		cmove	((scrollarea&$ffff0000)>>16),bplpt
		cmove	(scrollarea&$ffff),bplpt+$02
		cmove	$0000,color+$02
		cmove	$0002,bpl1mod
		cwait	$1b,$09
		cmove	$0fff,color+$02
		cwait	$2c,$09

	; cause a copper interrupt request

		cmove	$8010,intreq

	; end of copper list (at last)



; The data for where the tunes are held on the disk
TuneParamTable	dc.l	$10600,$1fc00,$30200,$21000,$51200,$0c600
		dc.l	$5d800,$18e00,$76600,$06400,$7ca00,$13000

; The data for where a mouse click causes a tune to load
loadbuttons	dc.w	017,030,089,077,124,036,196,077,231,036,303,077
		dc.w	017,177,089,218,124,177,196,218,231,177,303,218

; The mouse pointer data
pointerposx	dc.w	0
pointerposy	dc.w	0

; Data for screen (and associated stuff)
loadscreen	incbin	"loadscreen.raw.trim"
screenplane1	equ	loadscreen
screenplane2	equ	screenplane1+8800
screenplane3	equ	screenplane2+8800
screenplane4	equ	screenplane3+8800
screencolors	dc.w	$000,$fff,$ddd,$bbb,$999,$777,$555,$333
		dc.w	$fa0,$f00,$ff0,$ff0,$ff0,$038,$04b,$04e
pointercolors	dc.w	$000,$0bf,$08f,$08f,$0bf,$0fd,$0f7,$0f2
		dc.w	$4f0,$af0,$ff0,$af0,$4f0,$0f2,$0f7,$0fd
loadingbitmap	incbin	"load-decr.bitmap"

; The scroll data
scrollfont	include	"asrc:fontsrc/hsspace.fontsrc"
scrollarea	dcb.b	756,0
scrollptr	dc.l	scrollmessage
scrollmessage	incbin	"load.msg"
		dc.b	0
scrollpixel	dc.b	1

; The 'vu' data area
vubuffer	dc.w	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
		dc.w	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
vuvalues	dc.w	0,0,0,0
vucolorbits	dc.w	$100,$010,$001,$111


		include	"pointer.s"

		include	"asrc:demo/common/nt20play.s"

		ds.b	$1fffe-*

; *** This rts has to go at $1fffe - the tunes JMP $1FFFE after decrunch


mt_data		equ	$20000