; How to use proportional fonts: leave the font unpacking to another source
; code file, and hopefully reuse it easily in another demo!

crawlamigainit	move.l	#ca_font0,a0		; default to font 0
		jsr	fnt_setfont

crawlamiga	tst.w	ca_pixleft		; if no new pixel left,
		beq	ca_newchar		;   get a new char
		bsr	ca_moveit		; else move bitmap
		sub.w	#1,ca_pixleft		; and now one less pixel

ca_newchar	add.l	#1,ca_messptr		; move message pointer
		move.l	ca_messptr,a0		; get message pointer
		move.b	(a0),d0			; test current char
		beq	ca_restart		; if 0(NUL), restart
		cmp.b	#32,d0			; if char<32, skip char...
		bcs	ca_newchar		; ...get new one
		tst.w	ca_setfontflag		; if setting font...
		bne	ca_setfontcheck		; ...use char as font number
		cmp.b	#'~',d0			; ~# to set font
		beq	ca_setfont
		and.w	#$ff,d0
		move.w	#24,d1			; 48 bytes in screen row
		move.w	#4,d2			; 8 bytes in buffer row
		move.w	#32,d3			; 32 rows before baseline
		move.l	MemBase,a0
		add.l	#7560,a0		; my screen (hidden)
		move.l	#ca_buffer1,a1		; my buffer
		add.l	#2,a1
		jsr	fnt_unpakchar
		move.w	d0,ca_pixleft
		cmp.w	#$ffff,d0
		beq	ca_newchar
		bsr	ca_moveit
		sub.w	#1,ca_pixleft
ca_restart	move.l	#ca_message-1,ca_messptr	; pretty obvious
		bra	ca_newchar

ca_setfont	move.w	#1,ca_setfontflag	; set a flag for main routine
		bra	ca_newchar

ca_setfontcheck	move.w	#0,ca_setfontflag	; what font is wanted?
		cmp.b	#'0',d0
		bcs	ca_newchar
		sub.b	#'0',d0
		cmp.b	#10,d0
		bcc	ca_newchar		; if invalid, try next char
						; NOTE: if the font number is
						; valid but the font does not
						; exist, the routine will
						; probably crash the computer
						; immediately it tries to put
						; a character on-screen. If
						; it doesn't, it may take 3
						; or four attempts to crash!
		and.l	#$f,d0
		lsl.l	#2,d0
		move.l	#ca_fonttable,a0
		move.l	(a0,d0),a0
		jsr	fnt_setfont
		bra	ca_newchar

ca_moveit	jsr	WaitForBlit
		move.l	#$7fffffff,bltafwm(a6)
		move.l	#$f9f00000,bltcon0(a6)
		move.w	#0,bltamod(a6)
		move.w	#0,bltdmod(a6)
		move.l	MemBase,a0
		add.l	#7520,a0		; was 7522 (before qwik fix)
		move.l	a0,bltapt(a6)
		sub.l	#2,a0
		move.l	a0,bltdpt(a6)
		move.w	(a0),d0			; store this word as it
		move.w	#2840,bltsize(a6)	;   should not be changed
		nop				; wait till blitter done that
		nop				;   word (plus safety margin)
		move.w	d0,(a0)			; put word back

;------ DATA ------

ca_pixleft	dc.w	0
ca_messptr	dc.l	ca_message-1

ca_message	incbin	"crawlamiga.mess"
		dc.b	0


ca_fonttable	dc.l	ca_font0,ca_font1,ca_font2,ca_font3,ca_font4,ca_font5

ca_font0	incbin	"afonts:0001/Palatino-Roman/24"	; a serif font
ca_font1	incbin	"mfonts:1002/MNewBerolina/24"	; a script font
ca_font2	incbin	"afonts:0034/Revue/24"		; a 'title' font
ca_font3	incbin	"afonts:0122/Juniper/24"	; an 'effect' font
ca_font4	incbin	"fonts:HsOutline/24"		; for 81st track logo:
						; This brilliant font was
						; designed by Aardvark, and
						; has been approved by
						; Powerslave, and is one of
						; the most original fonts in
						; The 81st Track font 'library'
ca_font5	incbin	"mfonts:1028/MGoudyText/24"	; for 'GREETINGS!'

ca_buffer1	dcb.b	352,0

ca_setfontflag	dc.w	0