; Yep, there has been a bob routine written - it can only handle 60 bobs in
; it's current form (in this demo anyway) but it's only my first true routine.
; P.S. I know the bobs are only single colour things, but it's an achievement!

; First, some stuff to make altering the pattern a little easier

bxmult		equ	150
bymult		equ	85
bxoffset	equ	2
byoffset	equ	1

bxstep		equ	2
bystep		equ	5
bxnext		equ	7
bynext		equ	10
bnumber		equ	60

; The sine table, created by a BASIC program

sin8table	incbin	"sin8"

; Data space for bob locations

bobdata		dcb.l	bnumber,0

; The bob data - first, size in words/pixels
bobwide		equ	2	; words
bobhigh		equ	16	; pixels

; The bob data - bitmap
bobbitmap	dc.w	$0000,0,$0180,0,$03c0,0,$07e0,0
		dc.w	$0ff0,0,$1998,0,$36dc,0,$79de,0
		dc.w	$76de,0,$36dc,0,$1988,0,$0ff0,0
		dc.w	$07e0,0,$03c0,0,$0180,0,$0000,0

; The bob data - the mask
bobmask		dc.w	$0180,0,$03c0,0,$07e0,0,$0ff0,0
		dc.w	$1ff8,0,$3ffc,0,$7ffe,0,$ffff,0
		dc.w	$ffff,0,$7ffe,0,$3ffc,0,$1ff8,0
		dc.w	$0ff0,0,$07e0,0,$03c0,0,$0180,0

; *** THE BOB CODE ***

bobinit		move.l	#bnumber-1,d0		; number of bobs
		move.l	#bobdata,a0		; bob position array
		move.w	#0,d1			; first bob starts at 0,0
		move.w	#0,d2			; (screen positions taken
bobinitloop	move.w	d1,(a0)+		; from sine table)
		move.w	d2,(a0)+
		add.w	#bxnext,d1
		cmp.w	#360,d1
		bcc	bobinitxwrap
bobinitnoxwrap	add.w	#bynext,d2
		cmp.w	#360,d2
		bcc	bobinitywrap
bobinitnoywrap	dbf	d0,bobinitloop
bobinitxwrap	sub.w	#360,d1
		bra	bobinitnoxwrap
bobinitywrap	sub.w	#360,d2
		bra	bobinitnoywrap

bobmain		bsr	BOBW4B			; wait for blitter
		move.l	#-1,bltafwm(a6)		; clear bob plane
		move.l	#$01000000,bltcon0(a6)
		move.w	#0,bltdmod(a6)
		move.l	MemBase,bltdpt(a6)
		move.w	#12052,bltsize(a6)
		move.l	#bnumber-1,d0		; update positions
		move.l	#bobdata,a0		; (pretty self-explanatory)
bobupdateloop	add.w	#bxstep,(a0)
		cmp.w	#360,(a0)
		bcc	bxwrap
bnoxwrap	add.l	#2,a0
		add.w	#bystep,(a0)
		cmp.w	#360,(a0)
		bcc	bywrap
bnoywrap	add.l	#2,a0
		dbf	d0,bobupdateloop
		move.l	#bobdata,a0		; now draw the bobs
		move.l	#sin8table,a1
		move.l	#bnumber-1,d0
bobdrawloop	move.w	(a0)+,d1
		and.l	#$ffff,d1
		add.l	d1,d1
		move.w	(a1,d1),d1
		mulu	#bxmult,d1
		lsr.l	#8,d1
		add.l	#bxoffset,d1
		move.w	(a0)+,d2
		and.l	#$ffff,d2
		add.l	d2,d2
		move.w	(a1,d2),d2
		mulu	#bymult,d2
		lsr.l	#8,d2
		add.l	#byoffset,d2
		bsr.s	putbob
		dbf	d0,bobdrawloop

bxwrap		sub.w	#360,(a0)
		bra	bnoxwrap
bywrap		sub.w	#360,(a0)
		bra	bnoywrap

putbob		move.w	d1,d3
		lsr.w	#4,d3
		and.w	#$f,d1
		bsr.s	BOBW4B
		move.l	#$ffffffff,bltafwm(a6)
		lsl.w	#8,d1
		lsl.w	#4,d1
		move.w	d1,bltcon1(a6)
		or.w	#$0ff2,d1
		move.w	d1,bltcon0(a6)
		move.w	#0,bltamod(a6)
		move.w	#0,bltbmod(a6)
		move.w	#40-(bobwide*2),bltcmod(a6)
		move.w	#40-(bobwide*2),bltdmod(a6)
		move.l	#bobbitmap,bltapt(a6)
		move.l	#bobmask,bltbpt(a6)
		mulu	#40,d2
		add.l	d3,d2
		add.l	d3,d2
		add.l	MemBase,d2
		move.l	d2,bltcpt(a6)
		move.l	d2,bltdpt(a6)
		move.w	#bobhigh*64+bobwide,bltsize(a6)

BOBW4B		btst	#14,dmaconr(a6)
BOBW4Bloop	btst	#14,dmaconr(a6)
		bne.s	BOBW4Bloop